Jun 9, 2022
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Table of Contents:
1. Pre-Requisite
2. Objective
3. Create two Workflows to Send Successful Notification Mail and Unsuccessful Notification Mail in the Respective Azure Logic App Instances Using Azure Portal
A) Create Workflow to Send Mail Notification on Successful Completion of the “Copy data” Activity in the Azure Data Factory Pipeline
B) Create Workflow to Send Mail Notification on Unsuccessful Completion of the “Copy data” Activity in the Azure Data Factory Pipeline
4. Create a Pipeline to Send Successful Notification Mail and Unsuccessful Notification Mail from the Pipeline Created in Azure Data Factory Using Azure Portal
Table of Contents:
1. What is Get Metadata Activity
2. Metadata Options
3. Limitations of the Get Metadata Activity
4. Objective of Using Get Metadata Activity on Folder
5. Create a Pipeline Using the Get Metadata Activity on a Folder
Table of Contents:
1. What is Wait Activity
2. Create a Pipeline Using the Wait Activity
Table of Contents:
1. What is ForEach Activity
2. Accessing the Items of the ForEach Activity
3. Parallel Execution in the ForEach Activity
4. Limitations and Workarounds of the ForEach Activity
5. Objective
6. Create Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Container, Directory and Sub-Directory
7. Create a Pipeline Using the ForEach Activity
A) Fetch the Azure Key Vault Secret from the Azure Data Factory Pipeline
B) Fetch Records of a Table by Executing Queries from Lookup Activity from the Azure Data Factory Pipeline
C) Create ForEach Activity
D) Create Copy Data Activity from Within the ForEach Activity to Cop Data from Azure SQL Database to ADLS Gen2
Table of Contents:
1. What is If Condition Activity
2. Objective
3. Create a Pipeline Using the If Condition Activity
Table of Contents:
1. What is Copy Data Activity
2. Copy Data Activity and Its Integration Runtime
3. Steps to Copy Data Using a Copy Data Activity
4. Supported File Formats in Copy Data Activity
5. Objective
6. Create Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Container, Directory and Sub-Directory
A) Create a New Container in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
B) Create a New Directory in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
C) Create a New Sub-Directory in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
7. Create a Pipeline Using the Stored Procedure Activity
A) Create a Linked Service to the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
B) Create a Dataset to a Directory of in the Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
C) Use Copy Data Activity in Azure Data Factory Pipeline
Table of Contents:
1. What is Lookup Activity
2. Characteristics of Lookup Activity
3. Limitations of Lookup Activity
4. Create a Pipeline Using the Lookup Activity
Table of Contents:
1. What is Stored Procedure Activity
2. Objective
3. Create a Table and a Stored Procedure in Azure SQL Server Database
A) Create a Table in Azure SQL Server Database
B) Create a Stored Procedure in Azure SQL Server Database
4. Create a Pipeline Using the Stored Procedure Activity
A) Fetch the Azure Key Vault Secret from the Azure Data Factory Pipeline
B) Call the Created Stored Procedure from Azure Data Factory Pipeline
5. Limitation of Stored Procedure Activity in Azure Data Factory
Table of Contents:
1. What is Filter Activity
2. Create a Pipeline Using the Filter Activity
Table of Contents:
1. What is Append Variable Activity
2. Pre-Requisite
3. Update the Pipeline Created Using the Set Variable Activity by Adding Append Variable Activity
Table of Contents:
1. What is Set Variable Activity
2. Create a Pipeline Using the Set Variable Activity
Table of Contents:
1. What is System Variable
A) Pipeline Scope
B) Schedule Trigger Scope
C) Tumbling Window Trigger Scope
D) Storage Event Trigger Scope
E) Custom Event Trigger Scope
Table of Contents:
1. What is Web Activity
2. Different Types of Authentications in the Web Activity
3. Create a Pipeline Using Web Activity With “None” Authentication
Table of Contents:
1. Parameterization in Pipelines
2. Create Pipelines Using Parameterization
A) How to pass the "Pipeline Parameters" to the associated "Dataset Parameters"
B) Use "Lookup" Activity to Display the Data of a SQL Table
C) Limitation of "Lookup" Activity to display Columns of Data Type "Byte Array"
Table of Contents:
1. Parameterization in Datasets
2. Create Datasets Using Parameterization
A) How to pass the "Dataset Parameters" to the associated "Linked Service Parameters"
Table of Contents:
1. Parameterization in Linked Services
2. Create Linked Services Using Parameterization
Table of Contents:
1. Create Your First Azure Data Factory Instance Using Azure Portal
Table of Contents:
1. What is Azure Data Factory
2. Where Azure Data Factory is Used
3. Top Level Concepts in Azure Data Factory
A) Pipeline
B) Activity
C) Linked Services
D) Datasets
E) Triggers
4. Relationship Between "Pipeline", "Activity", "Linked Service" and "Datasets" in Azure Data Factory
Apr 23, 2022