Oindrila Chakraborty

May 18, 2022

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Azure Storage Account Articles

Table of Contents: 1. Introduction to Access Control Model in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 2. What is Role-Based Access Control (Azure RBAC) 3. How Azure Role-Based Access Control (Azure RBAC) Works A) Security Principal B) Role Definition i) Built-In Roles C) Scope i) Scope Levels 4. Azure Role Assignment Using Role-Based Access Control (Azure RBAC) A) Transitive Role Assignment in Group B) Multiple Role Assignments 5. Azure Deny Assignment Using Role-Based Access Control (Azure RBAC) 6. How Azure Role-Based Access Control (Azure RBAC) Determines If a User Has Access to an Azure Resource 7. Add, and, View the Role Permissions in an Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Instance A) Create "Role Assignment" for "Azure Data Factory" Instance B) View "Role Assignment" for "Azure Data Factory" Instance
Table of Contents: 1. What is “Authentication” in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 2. Authentication Using “Storage Account Access Keys” in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 A) How "Storage Account Access Keys" are Displayed B) How to Change Storage Access Account Keys 3. Authentication Using “Shared Access Signature” in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 A) Create a Shared Access Signature (SAS) String B) How to Detect Invalid Shared Access Signature (SAS) C) What is Storage Access Policy 4. Authentication Using “Azure Active Directory” (AD) in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 A) Create Users B) Create Groups C) Register Applications D) Advantages of Azure Active Directory (AD)
Table of Contents: 1. Pre-Requisite 2. Creating First Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 Instance
Table of Contents: 1. What is Azure Data Lake Storage 2. What is Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 3. How Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 Evolved 4. What is Hierarchical Storage and Hierarchical Namespace 5. Disadvantages of Azure Blob Storage Not Being a Hierarchical Storage 6. Advantages of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 Being a Hierarchical Storage 7. When Hierarchical Namespace is Not Used 8. Important Features of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 9. Challenge of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2
Table of Contents: 1. What is Azure Blob Storage Account 2. Types of Azure Blobs A) Block Blob B) Append Blob C) Page Blob 3. When Azure Blob Storage Account is Used 4. Advantages of Using Azure Blob Storage 5. Limitations of Using Azure Blob Storage
Table of Contents: 1. Pre-Requisite 2. Create the First Azure Storage Account
Table of Contents: 1. Standard General-Purpose V2 Accounts 2. Premium Block Blobs A) Workloads of “Premium Block Blob” Storage Account B) Cost Effectiveness of "Premium Block Blob" Storage Account 3. Premium File Shares 4. Premium Page Blobs A) "Key Features" of the "Premium Page Blobs" Storage Account B) "Restriction" of the "Premium Page Blobs" Storage Account
Table of Contents: 1. Blob Access Tiers A) Hot B) Cool C) Archive 2. Different Types of Redundancy A) Locally Redundant Storage (LRS) B) Zone Redundant Storage (ZRS) C) Geo Redundant Storage (GRS) D) Geo-Zone Redundant Storage (GZRS) E) Read Access-Geo Redundant Storage (RA-GRS) F) Read Access-Geo-Zone Redundant Storage (RA-GZRS) 3. Different Types of Performance Tier A) Standard B) Premium
Table of Contents: 1. What is Azure Storage Account 2. Attributes of Azure Storage Account 3. Azure Storage Account Endpoints

Oindrila Chakraborty

Oindrila Chakraborty

I have 12+ experience in IT industry. I love to learn about the data and work with data. I am happy to share my knowledge with all. Hope this will be of help.